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Medical doctors and Surgeons

Natural results and wellbeing: the evolution of aesthetic surgery



Natural results are what most women expect following aesthetic surgery. This helps boost their self-esteem, making them feel more confident and attractive. «In my patients, I see transformations literally like those from caterpillars to butterflies. However, sometimes these butterflies have not yet learnt to fly, as the transformation only occurred in the body», says Fulvio Palmieri, plastic and aesthetic surgeon in Zurich.

Aesthetic surgery is a field in constant evolution, boasting increasingly safe and sophisticated tools and techniques. Advances in this field have led to less invasive and more effective procedures, reducing risks and improving recovery times. Moreover, besides increasing patient satisfaction, cutting-edge procedures also foster greater confidence in undergoing aesthetic interventions.

Dr. Fulvio Palmieri, plastic and aesthetic surgeon in Zurich

Often, expectations regarding surgery can lead to communication problems between doctor and patient, sometimes resulting in medical-legal disputes. «I had a 19-year-old girl with tuberous breasts undergo bilateral reconstruction with implants. The surgery had no complications, and the natural result was stunning. However, at a follow-up, the patient was dissatisfied because her insecurities about the malformation had actually increased – explains Palmieri -. Now she struggles to handle the newfound attention from men and paradoxically feels even more insecure».

To accept transformations like this and effectively address discomfort, psychotherapy sessions may be necessary. Relying on experts who intervene on a psychological level helps patients process change, enhancing their emotional well-being.

New technologies to guide patients

In the diverse world of medicine and aesthetic surgery, new technologies are needed to guide patients. Drawing on his experience with techniques acquired in Argentina, Brazil, and Switzerland, Dr. Palmieri emphasizes that the aesthetic surgeon must act as a beauty coach. «I believe that the aesthetic physician should guide patients towards results that emphasize harmony, elegance, and sensuality, rather than chasing fleeting trends – he says -. I explain to my patients that while clothing, makeup, or hairstyles can be adjusted, when it comes to their body, the focus should always be on achieving natural-looking results that never go out of style».

Cutting-edge technologies and innovative tools, including artificial intelligence and recently developed techniques in the psychology of change, contribute to increased self-esteem, confidence, and sensuality.

The added value derived from these advancements has also shown the potential to reduce medical-legal disputes and increase patient loyalty through positive word-of-mouth. These themes will be discussed by Dr. Palmieri during “Make aesthetic surgery great again!”, a workshop scheduled for July 1st, 2024, at 6:00 PM, streaming live on Instagram at @zurich_plastic_surgery .

«Tools like Artificial Intelligence assist in corrections but should always be guided by the aesthetic surgeon who, as coach, aims for natural and harmonious outcomes», concludes Palmieri.

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