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A “Moustache” against male cancers



«At the end of it all, what matters is being able to conduct an effective preventive campaign, that is, to inform, because information ultimately brings about greater awareness».

paolo Gontero, Professor of Urology, University of Turin Director of the Urology Clinic, Molinette Hospital

Raising awareness about male cancers for prevention. The campaign “Un Baffo per la Ricerca” is an annual initiative promoted by the Fondazione Ricerca Molinette, which takes place during the month of November. This period is traditionally dedicated to raising awareness and preventing male cancers, primarily focusing on prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Emphasising the importance of this campaign, Paolo Gontero, Full Professor of Urology at the University of Turin and Director of the Urology Clinic at Molinette Hospital, states: «Every year, we dedicate the month of November to fundraising in support of the scientific activities of the Urology Clinic at Molinette Hospital».

The campaign’s objectives

Paolo Gontero Professor of Urology at the University of Turin and Director of the Urology Clinic at Molinette Hospital

“Un Baffo per la Ricerca” campaign focuses on two main objectives. First, it aims to raise funds for a research project dedicated to the development of three-dimensional (3D) technology to enhance prostate cancer surgery. Professor Gontero explains: «This year, the campaign has decided to introduce a new element, in addition to the research project that requires funding to improve prostate cancer surgery, which still represents a significant therapeutic area for this type of cancer».

In fact, for the first time, the campaign dedicates time to an innovative volunteer activity, Throughout all Saturdays in November, an equipped mobile clinic is present in the main squares of Turin from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Professor Gontero emphasises «Thanks to the volunteer efforts of the young members of Rotary Torino Crocetta and some urologists, there will be an activity offering information and free check-ups to the male population».

Raising awareness about male cancers

Professor Paolo Gontero acknowledges that, unlike female cancers, male cancers often remain

taboo. «While there is a significant awareness among women when it comes to prevention, there is an equally limited awareness among men», Professor Gontero emphasises. This lack of awareness is attributed to various factors, including men’s reluctance to discuss intimate issues like the health of their genital organs.

The campaign aims to bridge this gap in raising awareness and preventing male cancers. One key aspect is the importance of testicular self-examination, a practice that can help detect testicular cancer early, which is most common in young men. Professor Gontero highlights, «Self-examination is fundamentally the way in which testicular cancers are diagnosed and suspected».

The future of prevention

Despite the efforts of the ‘A Mustache for Research’ campaign, the goal of creating structured prevention programs for male cancers remains an aspiration.  «There cannot be an organised, government-supported task force that takes on this type of information», Professor Gontero states. However, the campaign represents an important step toward greater awareness and future attention to the prevention needs of male cancers.

A Mustache for Research’ is an initiative aimed at raising awareness among men about male cancers and raising funds for research and the development of new medical technologies. This campaign provides a valuable opportunity to spread awareness and promote the prevention of male cancers, with the goal of improving men’s health in Italy.

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