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Prostate Cancer: the dangers of a small gland. Appointment with prevention 




On November 22nd 2023, at 8:30 PM, the Italian League Against Cancer (LILT) in Turin is hosting a new webinar. “Prostate Cancer: the Pitfalls of a Small Gland”. The event will be live-streamed on the LILT Turin YouTube channel. Providing everyone with the opportunity to participate and receive crucial information about the prevention and management of prostate cancer.

Experts available to address the topic of prostate cancer

The online conference will feature the participation of distinguished experts in the fields of medicine and research. Dr. Donatella Tubino, President of LILT Turin APS and Nutrition Biologist. Prof. Paolo Gontero, Full Professor of Urology at the University of Turin and Director of the Urology Clinic at the City of Health and Science of Turin. Dr. Giancarlo Pecorari, President of the Scientific Committee of LILT Turin and Full Professor of Otorhinolaryngology at the University of Turin.

Topics covered

These experts will address crucial topics related to prostate cancer, a condition that involves a small gland but can have significant consequences for men’s health. Dr. Donatella Tubino, in her capacity as President of LILT Turin and Nutrition Biologist, will provide valuable information on prevention through a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Renowned Urologist Prof.Paolo Gontero will offer an in-depth medical perspective on early diagnosis, treatment options, and the latest developments in prostate research. Dr. Giancarlo Pecorari, President of the Scientific Committee of LILT Turin, will share further scientific insights on the importance of prevention and regular screenings. 
To participate in this essential online conference, simply click on the provided link and connect to the LILT Turin YouTube channel on November 22nd at 8:30 PM. This event represents a unique opportunity to access high-quality information directly from industry experts and to raise awareness about prostate cancer prevention.

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