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Revée proudly support research through the project “Suture in space”



suture in space

What is the effect of space on scars? Revée is funding research. On November 22 2022 will leave the space mission that will bring into orbit the experiment “Suture in space”. The research project is directed by Monica Monici (of the joint laboratory ASA Campus, Department of Experimental Biomedical Sciences and Clinics of the University of Florence), selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) in call ESA-ILSRA2014, coordinated and funded by Italian Space Agency (ASI, C-ASI N.2018-14 U.0 – Suture in Space), to study how to treat injuries in space.

Among the sponsors of the project there’s Revée, the Turin company specialized in medical devices for the post-operative: “Promoting scientific research is the basis of our company – states Revée CEO Stefano Borgia The experiment, conducted by a group of researchers from the University of Florence, the Careggi Hospital-University in Florence, and other Italian and European universities, will allow us to understand how space can interact with scars. It is a very important research for the development of specific post-op products for the treatment of scars“.

Among the Revée company’s flagship products there are in fact specific treatments, gels and creams, for the prevention and treatment of hypertrophic scars or keloids caused by a burn, surgery or trauma.

Ensuring adequate medical care in the space environment that is close to Earth standards is a challenge that requires in-depth study. The experiment took into account a multiplicity of factors and variables: extreme conditions such as microgravity and radiation, the duration of missions, the number of high-risk activities associated with them, the response of the human organism to long periods of permanence in space.” explains Monica Monici.

The testing will begin in a few days leaving from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. Models of human tissue wounds will be placed in a dedicated container and then transferred with spx-26 (Cargo Dragon 2) to the International Space Station where they will be monitored in a microgravity environment.

This project aims to provide the tools to treat injuries, burns and scars in space, according to Earth standards, so as to be able to act promptly on the wounds of astronauts in orbit directly on spacecraft. Moreover, it would be an important result for the scientific community and for the studies conducted on wound healing.

The research group has been carrying out this study for some time. I believe that to be part promoters of the initiative is a duty for those who, like us, create products dedicated to scars. It allows us to carry out continuous research and help to understand how the human body behaves in extreme situations. For this reason we have chosen to participate in the mission, giving a concrete contribution to the surgery of the future” concludes Borgia.

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