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Medical doctors and Surgeons

Face and the aesthetic surgery: a conversation with professor Alessandro Gualdi 



In aesthetic surgery, the face is one of the most common and certainly among the most requested areas of intervention. Not easy to treat, it deserves special attention because, as we know, the face is our calling card, and even a small “mistake” can affect a person’s recognisability. We discussed this with professor Alessandro Gualdi, head of the Plastic Surgery Department at IRCCS HSR and professor of Plastic Surgery at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, as well as Aesthetic Facial Surgery at the University of Milano Bicocca. 

Professor Gualdi is known primarily for his commitment to achieving extremely natural and harmonious results. 

Facial aesthetics: technique in favour of harmony

Doctor Alessandro Gualdi, Specialist in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Doctor of Research in Plastic Surgery and head of the IRCCS HSR Plastic Surgery Operations Unit and professor of Plastic Surgery at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and of Cosmetic Face Surgery at the University of Milan Bicocca.

Professor Alessandro Gualdi is a plastic surgeon with over twenty years of experience in aesthetic surgery, with a particular attention in facial surgery.

«My career has been dedicated to achieving extremely natural and harmonious results in the field of facial aesthetic surgery», affirms professor Gualdi. He has authored numerous texts and published scientific articles on the subject, demonstrating an extraordinary commitment to perfection in facial aesthetics. His practice, known as Milan Face Institute, is one of the leading centres for facial visits and surgical intervention, including rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty and facial rejuvenation. 

According to professor Gualdi, requests in facial surgery vary based on age and the needs of patients. «From younger individuals to more mature adults, the desire to enhance the appearance of the face is widespread», he says.

The most requested facial procedures

Among adolescents, otoplasty takes the lead:«For younger individuals, the most requested procedure is otoplasty,also known as ear pinning» says professor Gualdi. This procedure is often motivated by the desire to correct prominent ears that may be a target for bullying. «The willingness of parents and the motivation of young patients are crucial for the success of this intervention», he adds.

Rhinoplasty is among the most sought-after procedures among young adults. It is a  procedure commonly requested by those who already have a certain self-awareness and wish to improve the shape and function of their nose. Professor Gualdi explains that the decision to undergo a rhinoplasty should be made carefully, especially for younger patients. «It’s essential that they have a clear indication and sufficient maturity to undergo the procedure», he emphasises.

With advancing age the choice is on blepharoplasty: «Blepharoplasty which involves the rejuvenation of the upper or lower eyelids, is a procedure requested by more mature individuals, often above the age of fifty», says professor Gualdi. Both men and women approach this type of surgery because a tired appearance can become an issue due to modern life, which demands constant use of digital devices and exposure to images. 

But among all, facial rejuvenation is the most requested. In fact, according to professor Gualdi, facial rejuvenation is one of the most performed procedures, with patients of various ages. «This procedure has no specific age limits, but it is more common among older patients – says the surgeon – The main goal is to create natural results and maintain facial harmony».

From Aristotle to the future of cosmetic surgery

«Technology and techniques are constantly advancing, allowing for increasingly natural and minimally invasive results – says professor Alessandro Gualdi, sharing his vision on the future of cosmetic surgery – A personalised approach with consultation and active patient involvement in the planning of their procedure is crucial».In a world where physical appearance plays a significant role, cosmetic surgery plays a meaningful role in helping individuals achieve their best version of themselves. «My idea is to always be very cautious, especially with aesthetic medicine – advises Gualdi- It’s clear that it becomes a market, and it is also very easy». However, abusing it, drawing inspiration from famous faces without a real need, risks creating the so-called “rubber dolls”. «For example, in the United States, they have somewhat stronger standards than ours. In Italy, we have a more moderate view of cosmetic surgery, not because we don’t want to achieve results. We try to guide the patient. And I am inspired by aristotelian principles».

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