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Events and conventions

The holistic approach to diastasis



On the weekend of March 23rd and 24th, the city of Pavia was the protagonist, hosting an accredited ECM course dedicated to physiotherapists, focusing on the management of diastasis. The event was endorsed by the Diastasi Italia ODV. This Association engages in raising awareness and providing support to those dealing with this condition.

The main objective of the course was to provide healthcare professionals with the necessary skills for effective interdisciplinary management of diastasis. An increasingly common condition that requires specific attention and expertise in treatment.

Leading the course were two prominent figures in the field: Dr. Claudia Fabretti, a physiotherapist and osteopath who also serves as President of the National Association Diastasi Italia ODV and Mariateresa Moretti, an expert in pelvic floor physiotherapy and sexology. Dr. Moretti’s extensive experience in conservative and post-surgical treatment has significantly contributed to the development of a network in highly specialised professionals throughout Italy.

Multidisciplinary training

«The participation in the course was significant – report the organisers – with a growing number of physiotherapists recognising the importance of acquiring specific skills to address this condition effectively and efficiently.»

During the event, experts from other complementary disciplines also contributed. Professor Giovanni Marangi, a plastic surgeon from the Campus Biomedico in Rome, and Dr. Verga Falzacappa, a biologist and nutritionist. They enriched the program with insights into topics related to diastasis.

The presence of professionals from various fields facilitated a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to the condition. Allowing participants to expand their knowledge and skills to provide better care for patients.

The event represented a significant step forward in raising awareness and providing education on the topic of diastasis. It also confirmed the commitment of the Diastasis, confirming the commitment of the Diastasi Italia ODV Association to promote research, education, and the sharing of best practices to improve the quality of life for people affected by this condition.

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