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2023 on Revée News – first part



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In 2023, a year filled with conferences, interviews, and in-depth explorations that captured the attention of thousands of readers on Revée News. In this article, we delved into the most relevant news and topics addressed in the first six months of the year.

During the month of January, the focus was on paediatric plastic surgeons, humanitarian plastic surgery in Africa, and the French Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Dr. Ezio Gangemi, a specialist in paediatric plastic surgery at Maria Vittoria Hospital in Turin, emphasised the importance of building trust with young patients and their parents. Through targeted interventions, paediatric plastic surgery not only corrects physical aspects but also contributes to psychological well-being, promoting social integration.

Simultaneously, Dr. Marco Stabile, president of AICPE Onlus, shared the extraordinary humanitarian work of the association in the field of plastic surgery. Missions in Africa, support during the pandemic, and involvement in Zambia testify to AICPE Onlus’s commitment to helping vulnerable communities and training local doctors.

Crossing borders, attention turned to Sofcep, the French Society of Plastic Surgeons, highlighting the crucial role of Dr. Catherine Bergeret-Galley. SOFCEP not only facilitates the sharing of best practices among French surgeons but actively engages in international partnerships, including those with Italian societies, thereby contributing to raising global standards in plastic surgery.

February: a month dedicated to the quality of life of patients

This month saw crucial themes emerging in the context of health and well-being. Professor Giuseppe Giudice illustrated rhinoplasty: a customised procedure to correct morphological defects of the nose, evolving from a status symbol to a stigma-free procedure.

Addressing lipedema, a genetic disease recognized by the OMS in 2018, the Associazione Italiana Lipedema intervened, advocating for awareness and recognition in the National Health System.

Dr. Ettore Madaro, an expert in maxillofacial surgery, outlined in his interview the importance of this branch for correcting maxillary atrophy. Zygomatic and pterygoid surgery emerges as a vital resource, requiring precision and psychological support.

The diagnosis of cancer undermines both body and psyche. In the oncological context, psychology plays a crucial role according to psychologists Marco Gonella and Monica Agnesone. Psychological support proves essential throughout the journey, including palliative treatments. Progetto Protezione Famiglie Fragili provides support to vulnerable families, ensuring a multidisciplinary approach to managing illness and grief.

March: medical challenges and innovative progresses 

During the month of March, attention focused on important health and wellness themes, highlighting the significance of research and innovation. Professor Luca Busetto, President of the Italian Obesity Society (SIO), emphasised the complexity of obesity as a chronic condition, calling for a multidisciplinary approach that includes medical, educational, and nutritional aspects. He highlighted the causes of obesity, including genetic, environmental, and medication factors, emphasising the role of the obesogenic environment. Professor Busetto expressed hope stemming from research on innovative drugs against obesity.

In parallel, Dr. Marco Borsetti explored innovations in facial nerve paralysis surgery, illustrating new surgical techniques, both static and dynamic, that improve not only physical appearance but also the mental health of patients. Veronica’s story highlighted the positive impact of the treatment.

Domenico Corda, a lymphologist, provided information on lipedema, emphasising the differences from lymphedema and the need for an accurate diagnosis. He highlighted the role of conservative therapy, including the use of compression stockings and daily physical activity. Corda explained surgical options, warning against inappropriate interventions and emphasising the lack of complete healing through liposuction.

Overall, March highlighted the need for a holistic approach to address medical challenges and improve the quality of life for patients.

April: Training and Cancer Prevention

During April, significant attention was given to crucial health-related topics and progress in healthcare. Paolo Zona, CEO of Cluster S.r.l. and accredited Continuing Medical Education (ECM) provider at the Ministry of Health, underscored the importance of continuous medical education to keep healthcare professionals updated. He highlighted the key role of ECM providers in organising effectively structured courses and conferences.

Dr. Antonio Capaldi, Director of the Complex Oncology Unit at Carmagnola Hospital, delved into the causes of cancer, emphasising prevention through knowledge and control of carcinogenic substances. Capaldi discussed advances in oncology research, including molecular targeted therapies and immunotherapy, highlighting promising results in the fight against cancer and expressing confidence in the future of oncology.

Paolo Veronesi, Professor of Surgery at the University of Milan and Director of the Breast Senology Program at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, presides over the  Fondazione Umberto Veronesi, active in raising awareness about female cancers. He provided detailed information on female cancers, with a focus on breast cancer, highlighting the Foundation’s role in breaking the taboo of cancer through projects like Pink Ambassadors.

May: Fighting Obesity

May was dedicated to exploring obesity from multiple perspectives, revealing integrated approaches to combat this global challenge.

Marco Pastorini, a psychologist specialising in eating disorders, emphasised the importance of addressing the psychological aspect of obesity. He highlighted how the illusion of change and recurring disappointment can lead obese individuals to isolate themselves, emphasising the need for personalised paths to promote self-acceptance.

Plastic surgeon Giorgio Pietramaggiori introduced innovative approaches to plastic surgery, also focusing on interventions to alleviate chronic pains such as migraines. He illustrated how minimally invasive techniques have transformed the treatment of these conditions, offering relief to those who have suffered for years.

Margherita Gulino, a specialist in hygiene and preventive medicine, addressed childhood obesity, revealing concerning data about the high number of at-risk children. She emphasised the importance of educational interventions in schools, involving families to promote healthy eating habits and active lifestyles.

June: Reflecting on Pride and LGBTQIA+ Community Challenges

The month of June, dedicated to Pride celebrations, offers an opportunity to reflect on the challenges and successes of the LGBTQIA+ community. In this context, various perspectives were explored, from the difficulties faced by the transgender community to initiatives aimed at promoting inclusion and awareness.

Giovanni Roggero, president of A.GE.D.O. Torino, shared the daily challenges faced by the LGBTQIA+ community, emphasising the importance of raising awareness in society about discrimination. The transition journey of transgender individuals emerges as a crucial aspect.

Tattooing, presented by Andrea Becchi, becomes a form of expression and healing, highlighting how body art can be a powerful vehicle for conveying identity and acceptance. 

Tattoos, besides being works of art, play a role in the fight against prejudice. Through stories told on the skin, the voices of those who have fought an important battle are amplified.

Dr. Alessandra Fisher of SIGIS addresses the health difficulties of transgender individuals in Italy, highlighting disparities and proposing solutions. In this perspective, we move towards a more inclusive and aware society.

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Copyright © 2022 Revée News. Periodico di informazione sul mondo Chirurgia e del Benessere | Registrazione Tribunale di Torino n. 21 il 17/10/2023 |
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