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A marathon for women



We ran a 5-km marathon throughout Italy thanks to the support of our collaborators located in different Italian cities. Despite the distance, our entire team has come together to achieve a common goal: raising funds for research together with JTWIA.

Today is International Women’s Day, to celebrate the goals already achieved and highlight the battles still to be won. One key pending battle is related to breast cancer, which affects 1 out of 8 women. For this reason, Revée team has decided to run the “Just the woman I am” marathon to support cancer research, because great results can be achieved with a simple gesture.

“Just the woman I am” is not just a marathon

The marathon route connected many Italian cities, thanks to the numerous teams that joined JTWIA with Revée.

For 10 years we have been working in the field of postoperative products, supporting women in their fight against cancer. Joining JTWIA has been our way of celebrating all the women who successfully recovered, but also all who are still struggling. This 5-km race was also an opportunity to get together, talk and exchange ideas about such a complex issue.

It was a way to strengthen our values. JTWIA gave us the opportunity to demonstrate how important networking is for our company, not only between employees and people, but also between companies and solidarity entities. It was also a great chance to remember how fundamental it is to disseminate information and work towards prevention.

A pink bow that unites Italy

The marathon route connected a large part of Italy, thanks to the numerous teams that joined the initiative. From the regions of Piedmont to Lazio, passing through Valle D’Aosta and Lombardy, the Italian Peninsula has turned pink in support of cancer research. Our Turin team —made up of Beatrice and Stefano Borgia, Carla Franceschini and Silvia Maio— ran through the hills of Chieri and the mountains of Bardonecchia, both in the Turin province.
Elena Albanese, Cornelia Pace, Michelle Dara, Angela Pace, Antonietta Liberati, Lanieri Milazzo Luisella, Alexandra Antonioli and Antonella Gentile have run through the Lazio hills. Silvia Protani and Maddalena Porcu left at the starting line in Sermoneta (province of Latina, Lazio region). The race was also run in Latina by Roberta Gualtieri and Laura Fantasia and in Pontinia with Maria Santoro.

Paola Declich, Erika Spataro, Rubina Grangeon, Marina Ferrante and Fanny Tiziana wore the running shoes for the Valle d’Aosta team. “Just the woman I am” also was present in Pavia, with Jessica Resteghini.

Supporting research and promoting a culture of prevention are essential aspects of our work. We want to support the fight against cancer starting with concrete gestures, such as joining this marathon and other future projects,” explains Stefano Borgia, CEO of Revée.

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